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Living, learning, leading and loving

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Living, learning, leading and loving

This is a blog about a whole bunch of thoughts and ideas.

Some of what we share will simply be thoughts about how we do life as believers, how faith and the normal things of life connect. Sometimes we hope to share what we are learning and where we are being challenged to think differently. There will be some ideas about leadership, and leading well in the contexts we often find ourselves in. 

And other times we will simply talk about some of the thoughts which are inspiring us to love God and love people.

Now, about the title, as you can see we’ve called it 360 Degree View. It’s called this partly because this phrase was a key part of this new season and our move to Rotterdam (if you are not up to speed with that you may want to watch the video we created for King’s Church London explaining how we felt God was speaking to us about about our move). But we also really like the phrase because conceptually fits with our desire to want to live ‘joined up’ lives in which every aspect of our worlds are connected and consistent.

We believe that God is interested in every aspect of our lives, not simply ‘churchy’ bits. We also believe that God has some things to say and keep teaching us about every aspect of our lives.  We want our faith to not only motivate the way we lead, but be the centre of the way we live, be the motive for what we learn, as well as the fuel for how we love. 

So, whether we are talking about what we are learning, how we are leading, the impact on how we are living, or how we are being challenged to be more loving,  we hope that it will make you smile, that you will find it helpful, and most of all, we hope you will find it inspiring.

With much love from us

Phil & Sarah

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